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Department of Pediatrics

About Us

Dedicated to understanding and promoting child health.

What We Do

Faculty Spotlight

Mary C Pierce

Professor of Pediatrics (Emergency Medicine) and Preventive Medicine

Dr. Pierce’s research interest focuses primarily on injuries in children with an emphasis on differentiating abusive from accidental trauma. Dr Pierce collaborates with a multi-disciplinary lab with emphasis on injury biomechanics. This lab combines the expertise of medicine and engineering and utilizes both a clinical and an experimental approach. Dr. Pierce’s research focus is the development of injury plausibility models, including clinical decision rules, for differentiating abusive and accidental trauma in the young child that combines medical, social, biologic, and engineering knowledge....

Our Home

Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago

Lurie Children's is the Fein­berg School of Medicine's affiliated hospital dedicated to pediatric care. Lurie Children's is Illinois' only freestanding hospital exclusively for children and offers pa­tients access to world-class care in a modern, kid-friendly environment.

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Faculty Development

Our faculty is one of our greatest resources. To support them on the paths to successful, fulfilling careers, we make faculty development a priority.<

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